Nina Purewal faced an unexpected childhood tragedy, which inspired her mindfulness and meditation journey over twenty years ago. After climbing the corporate ladder for nearly a decade, she took a sabbatical and moved to California to unplug and live in an ashram for a year. It’s been her greatest passion to help others find happiness through adversity, by leaning into ancient wisdom. With that, she founded Pure Minds, a social enterprise that conducts mindfulness and meditation workshops and is the co-author of the International Bestseller, Let That Sh*t Go. You can connect with Nina at: or on Instagram at: @nina.pure.minds.
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A Series of Topics That Occupy My Anxious Mind.I'm Sam Madore, an overthinker extraordinaire.✨
As host of this podcast – and as someone who has lived with anxiety and depression most of my life – I want to normalize the topics and conversations that an overthinking mind can bring to light. Because I'm sure I can't be alone in this;) Big thanks to my pal and stellar music producer, mixer, composer John Mullane of In-Flight Safety, for providing MY VERY OWN THEME MUSIC (from episode three on). Theme song produced, recorded, mixed, by John Mullane for LMOAI. Written by John Mullane.
November 2021
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